Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kernel vulnerability found in Vista

According to this article a kernel vulnerability was found in Vista. It requires administrative rights to install a rootkit or other damaging software. The only hurdle to take is to click 'Yes' when UAC pops up and your system is hacked. According to the article:
"We have worked together with Microsoft Security Response Center in Redmond since October 2008 to locate, classify and fix this bug," Unterleitner wrote. "Microsoft will ship a fix for this exploit with the next Vista service pack."

Mind you, my intention is not to bash Microsoft. The reason I put it here is to show that apparently with something a serious as this the open source world is much more agile and quicker to respond. Fixes for problems like this usually come out within the week they are discovered. As for Microsoft: The next service pack is not to come out for at least one or two months. In my opinion, another reason why you should use Ubuntu (or any other open source Linux-based distribution)!
Vista users beware!

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